Israeli Apartheid Policies

Israeli policies ensure Arab-Israelis and Jewish-Israelis are made to live separate lives

Checkpoints are a part of Israeli occupation policies which delibrately limit and control the movement

Israeli policies ensure that Arab-Israelis and Jewish-Israelis are made to live separate lives within Israel, and that Arab-Israelis are treated as second-class citizens legally, politically and economically.

Ambulances are routinely stopped at checkpoints resulting in delays for patients needing medical treatment, causing significant distress and sometimes even death.

  • There are over 500 checkpoints in the West Bank causing daily misery.

  • 5.3 million Palestinians are unable to return home, while any Jewish person from any country is free to live on Palestinian land.

  • A discriminatory education system, where lack of resources are provided such as classrooms, means only 53% of Palestinian children in East Jerusalem attend school.

  • Jewish Nation State Bill passed in July 2018 clearly emphasises Israel as an apartheid state.

  • The Law of Return gives Jews around the world the right to Israeli citizenship. Palestinians expelled from their homeland are denied return and citizenship.

  • Citizenship and entry laws severely restricts Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel from living with their Palestinian spouse from occupied Palestinian territories.

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