HP provides Israel with software & equipment. Let's boycott HP products until it stops its complicity in the apartheid of Palestine.

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Email Hewlett Packard (HP)
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Email the CEO of HP calling for an end to HP’s role in the occupation and colonisation of the Palestinian people.

Enrique Lores

Hewlett Packard (HP)

I am writing to express my deep concern about HP’s complicity in Israel’s human rights abuses and apartheid regime.

As you are no doubt aware, HP provides hardware, data storage and data security services for the Israeli Prison Service. HP also maintains hardware for the Israeli police. By providing these services, HP is directly involved in human rights abuses and apartheid. This must end.

In March 2023 Israel held more than 4800 Palestinian political prisoners, including 170 children, in Israeli prisons. These prisoners are subject to human rights abuse including arbitrary beatings, solitary confinement, limited family visits and medical negligence. Israel is holding over 900 of these prisoners without charge or trial under its administrative detention policy, which violates international law. Israel is also the only country in the world that systematically prosecutes children in military courts. These courts consistently fail to meet juvenile justice standards.

HP also supports the Israeli police, who enforce apartheid on Palestinians in Israel. Everywhere between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan, Palestinians are treated politically and economically as second-class citizens and subject to different laws. More than 70km of roads in the West Bank are ‘Israeli-only’. There are over 65 discriminatory laws against those who are not Jewish in Israel.

As a result of recent campaigning, HP has reduced its involvement in Israeli apartheid, but that’s not enough.

As a potential customer of HP, I ask that you fully withdraw your complicity in Israeli human rights abuses and respect the human rights of Palestinians.

Yours sincerely,

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Tweet at HP demanding they stop providing technological services which help Israeli apartheid.


@HPE Hey, through your services to Israel, you're allowing occupying forces to monitor and control Palestinian people. Your technology plays a direct role in aiding the oppression Palestinians face. Will you reconsider your services to Israeli apartheid? Until then - #PowerOffHP

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Here are frequently asked questions on #BoycottHP

HP provides hardware and maintains servers for the Israeli Prison Service and the Israeli police. These are two key parts of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine.

The Israeli Prison Service holds thousands of Palestinians as political prisoners, often without charge or trial under a policy known as administrative detention. This violates international law.

The Israeli police enforce apartheid on Palestinians within Israel. Palestinians in Israel are treated legally, politically and economically as second-class citizens. Every aspect of their lives is affected by this, from housing and employment to health and education.


1. Boycott HP: next time you update your laptop, desktop, tablet, printer or monitor, don’t buy from HP. By choosing not to buy from HP and urging our friends and family to do the same, we can send a clear message to HP that we will not stand for their ongoing complicity in Israeli apartheid

2. Use the tools above to write and Tweet HP CEO Enrique Lores, urging him to end HP’s complicity in Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

Boycotting is a really powerful way to let a company know that you disagree with the way it’s operating.  

By boycotting HP and Tweeting HP with the #BoycottHP hashtag, we can put pressure on the IT company to end its contracts with the Israeli Prison Service and the Israeli police.

Don’t forget: this works! As a result of recent campaigning, HP has already ended some of its contracts with Israel. Let’s keep the pressure up to make sure HP ends its involvement entirely. Let’s do this!

No. If you’ve already got an HP product then you don’t need to stop using it. Just make a pledge not to buy from HP when you update it.

Boycotting is a great way to do your bit to help free Palestine.

Other companies to boycott are Coca-Cola and PUMA.

Coca-Cola operates in an illegal Israeli settlement on stolen Palestinian land and therefore directly profits from Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. Don’t buy into apartheid next time you fancy a fizzy. Always avoid Coca-Cola and remind your friends and family to do the same.

Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which has football teams in illegal Israeli settlements. By sponsoring IFA,  PUMA is supporting settlements which violate Palestinian rights. Make sure you’re not representing apartheid next time you’re out shopping.

Story so far.

Hewlett-Packard (HP) is complicit in Israel’s illegal occupation and apartheid regime in Palestine.

How is HP complicit?

HP has provided computers to all branches of the Israeli military

As we can see, HP allows Israel to maintain its illegal occupation and apartheid regime.

As a result of recent campaigning, HP has reduced its involvement in Israeli apartheid, but that’s not enough!

A huge thank you to Unite, the 1.4m members strong union, who have passed a resolution not to buy any HP products until HP ends its complicity in Israeli apartheid!

Let’s #BoycottHP until HP ends its complicity entirely. Take action now.

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