
Take action for Palestine

16 active campaigns


5 mins of your time required

Produce from stolen Palestinian land ends up in our shops, then in our homes. How can you help Palestine whilst out shopping?


5 mins of your time required

Coca-Cola violates international law by operating on stolen Palestinian land. Stop Coca-Cola profiting from the occupation

#CheckTheLabel - dates


4 mins of your time required

Boycott Israeli Dates this Ramadan


5 mins of your time required

Pressure the UK government to Stop Arming Israel


5 mins of your time required

The story so far


3 mins of your time required

Learn about the importance and virtues of Masjid Al-Aqsa


4 mins of your time required

Every day under illegal Israeli occupation, the threat to Al-Aqsa mosque increases. MPs must do more.


2 mins of your time required

UK universities invest millions in companies complicit in the oppression and genocide of Palestinians. Students, join us for...


3 mins of your time required

Help spread the love for Masjid Al-Aqsa


1 mins of your time required

An effective action you can do for Palestine is to boycott products that support Israel


3 mins of your time required

Stop Israel from indefinitely imprisoning Palestinians without charge or trial. Ask your MP to condemn this disgraceful...


5 mins of your time required

Israel repeatedly target and kill Palestinian Children. Despite this, Israel isn't held accountable. Let's change this now!


5 mins of your time required

HP provides Israel with software & equipment. Let's boycott HP products until it stops its complicity in the apartheid of...


3 mins of your time required

Tell to stop encouraging holidays on stolen Palestinian land by advertising listings in illegal Israeli...

#BoycottCocaCola (Businesses)

5 mins of your time required

Coca-Cola violates international law by operating on stolen Palestinian land. Stop Coca-Cola profiting from the occupation

Expel Israeli Ambassador to UK Tzipi Hotovely

1 mins of your time required

Since October 2023, Israel has been engaged in a war of genocide on the Palestinian people. The Israeli Ambassador to the UK...

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