Take action for Palestine
16 active campaigns
Produce from stolen Palestinian land ends up in our shops, then in our homes. How can you help Palestine whilst out shopping?
Coca-Cola violates international law by operating on stolen Palestinian land. Stop Coca-Cola profiting from the occupation
#CheckTheLabel - dates
Boycott Israeli Dates this Ramadan
Pressure the UK government to Stop Arming Israel
The story so far
Learn about the importance and virtues of Masjid Al-Aqsa
Every day under illegal Israeli occupation, the threat to Al-Aqsa mosque increases. MPs must do more.
UK universities invest millions in companies complicit in the oppression and genocide of Palestinians. Students, join us for...
Help spread the love for Masjid Al-Aqsa
An effective action you can do for Palestine is to boycott products that support Israel
Stop Israel from indefinitely imprisoning Palestinians without charge or trial. Ask your MP to condemn this disgraceful...
Israel repeatedly target and kill Palestinian Children. Despite this, Israel isn't held accountable. Let's change this now!
HP provides Israel with software & equipment. Let's boycott HP products until it stops its complicity in the apartheid of...
Tell Booking.com to stop encouraging holidays on stolen Palestinian land by advertising listings in illegal Israeli...
#BoycottCocaCola (Businesses)
Expel Israeli Ambassador to UK Tzipi Hotovely
Since October 2023, Israel has been engaged in a war of genocide on the Palestinian people. The Israeli Ambassador to the UK...
Help free Palestine
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Your generosity allows us to keep campaigning to end Israel’s illegal occupation and apartheid in Palestine. Together we can make a difference. #TeamFOA won’t stop until Palestine is free.