Every day under illegal Israeli occupation, the threat to Al-Aqsa mosque increases. MPs must do more.

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'Email your MP urging them to call for immediate sanctions on Israel for its ongoing aggression at Al-Aqsa'

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Download and share these resources on Al-Aqsa mosque.

Please select resource type below

The Significance of Isra
The Prophets Night Journey – Makkah to Jerusalem
The Prophets concerns prior to Al-Isra (The Night Journey)
Lessons of The Night Journey
Aqsa – The Virtues of Praying and Charity
Aqsa – Prophets and People
Aqsa – Historical Significance
Aqsa – A blessed and Holy Land
Al-Aqsa Guidebook
Dome of the Rock
Forty Ahadith - Masjid Al-Aqsa
Khutba - Masjid Al Aqsa and Palestine
Khutba - Al Isra Wal Miraj
Kids - History of Masjid Al-Aqsa workbook
Kids - The Night Journey Workbook
Kids - Prophets in Palestine – Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Distribute free #HandsOffAlAqsa info cards outside your local mosque or at your university isoc events to help raise awareness of the campaign. Order now.

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Here are frequently asked questions on #HandsOffAlAqsa

Al-Aqsa is a holy sanctuary in the Old City of Jerusalem, also known as Masjid Al-Aqsa or the Noble Sanctuary. The entire compound including the land and buildings is sacred, with ‘Masjid al-Aqsa’ referring to all the buildings there.

This sacred site spans approximately 35 acres. Al-Aqsa houses roughly 200 buildings, monuments and courtyards of historical and religious significance. This includes the Dome of the Rock (Qubbat as Sukhra, the golden-domed building) and Musallah Al-Qibly (the grey-domed building).

These buildings have extraordinary historical significance for Muslims. Al-Aqsa is the third holiest site in Islam and the place where Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammed ascended to heaven. It is the holiest site in Jerusalem for Muslims and a very important symbol of Palestinian nationhood and culture.

When the second Caliph ‘Umar entered Jerusalem he requested that he first be taken to al-Haram al-Sharif, the place of Al-Aqsa. He ordered the construction of a masjid (mosque) at the southern end of the sanctuary. This was originally a wooden structure but was later re-built as a solid structure.

Israel illegally occupied East Jerusalem, including Al-Aqsa in the Old City, in 1967. In 1980 Israel announced the Jerusalem Law, illegally annexing East Jerusalem. Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem violates international law.

Since then, entry and exit to Al-Aqsa has been under Israeli control. Palestinian access to the holy site is restricted whilst Israel allows increasing numbers of Israeli groups to visit and pray at Al-Aqsa, accompanied by Israeli Occupation Forces. These visits are known as incursions.

There is now a mainstream movement within Israel to destroy Al-Aqsa and replace it with a Jewish temple. This movement even has the backing of the Israeli government.

The Israeli government frequently allows Israeli groups to visit Al-Aqsa, accompanied by Israeli Occupation Forces. 48,000 Israeli settlers stormed Al-Aqsa in 2022 – more than any year previously.

Attacks on Palestinian worshippers are increasing, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. In 2021 Israeli Occupation Forces violently assaulted Palestinian worshippers. In 2022 Israeli forces brutally attacked Palestinian worshippers of all ages with tear gas, sound grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets. Over 250 worshippers were injured and there was significant damage to historic buildings within the compound, including the stained-glass windows of Al-Aqsa.

You can take action to protect Al-Aqsa mosque today:

  1. Tweet out your solidarity and support for Al-Aqsa using the Tweet tab.

  2. Share the 'I Stand With Masjid Al-Aqsa' image on your socials from the Resources tab.

  3. Get involved with Aqsa Week 2024 (Monday 5th Feb – Sunday 11th Feb)

More info:




Story so far.

Al-Aqsa is a holy sanctuary in the Old City of Jerusalem. It is the holiest site in Jerusalem for Muslims and a very important symbol of Palestinian nationhood and culture.

Al-Aqsa is in East Jerusalem, which has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967. Israel has been targeting Al-Aqsa for takeover for many years. Today, more so than ever before, Israel’s illegal occupation and apartheid regime gravely threatens the future of this sacred space.

We must act now to protect Al-Aqsa.  

UNESCO has condemned Israel’s disrespect for this important World Heritage Site.

If this was taking place at any other place of worship, the world would be in uproar.

Our #HandsOffAlAqsa campaign is now in its 9th year. We must continue to pressure Israel to get its #HandsOffAlAqsa.


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