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On the pulse

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    Palestine Awareness Week Dinner

    Palestine Awareness Week Dinner
    Join us on Saturday 9th November for our annual Palestine Awareness Week dinner at Saffron Kitchen for an evening of great food and inspiring talks...
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    Palestine Awareness Week 2024

    Palestine Awareness Week 2024
    FOA are launching the second Palestine Awareness Week from Monday 4th to Sunday 10th November 2024. With a year of ongoing genocide in Gaza and the...
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    Demand the UK government immediately cease all arms exports to Israel. The government’s own lawyers say Israel is breaking international law.Israeli...
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    David Lammy: Stop Arming Israel

    David Lammy: Stop Arming Israel
    The Labour Party has formed a new government, which they promised would respect international law and improve the UK’s standing in the world today. In...
    David Lammy: Stop Arming Israel/dt>
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    Coca-Cola operates on stolen Palestinian land and is therefore directly profiting from Israel's illegal occupation and apartheid in...
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    When shopping let’s be more mindful of what we’re buying!  Always check the label to avoid buying produce labelled from 'Israel'. Many of us...
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    Al-Aqsa is a holy sanctuary in the Old City of Jerusalem. It is the holiest site in Jerusalem for Muslims and a very important symbol of Palestinian...
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    Israel has imposed an inhumane siege on Gaza since 2007. A siege is when an area is surrounded and cut off from essential supplies. This means that...
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    Nakba is Arabic for ‘catastrophe’. It refers to Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland. This started in 1948 and it is still...
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    Right of return

    Right of return
    There are more than 7 million Palestinian refugees scattered across the world, making this the world’s longest-running refugee crisis. Palestinian...
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    War crimes

    War crimes
    A war crime is a violation of one of the laws of war. These laws were introduced after the atrocities of World War Two. War crimes include the...
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